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The simplest way to record and share

your presentations

1) Upload

2) Speak

3) Share

What is Seenkit?

Seenkit is an online service that allows everyone to create, store and publish multimedia lessons or presentations in a few clicks

Upload your presentation, document or picture.

Nothing to upload? 

You can simply use the online whiteboard.

Ready? Click the red button to start your presentation. Everything will be automatically recorded: your voice, your notes or your slide interactions.

Wait for the recording to be processed (3 - 5 minutes) and you are online. Paste the enbedding code in your site or e-learning platform pages, or just share the link to spread your voice.

What is Seenkit

How it works?

Making a new recording

Making a new recording

Play Video
How it works

About us

Seenkit is a service of Abaco Technology.


Abaco Technology was born at the beginning of the new millennium.


After the first years, coinciding with the new economy and the new media revolution, during which we explored all aspects of the digital technologies, starting from 2003 Abaco Technology focused on e-learning.


At first, with the birth of the continuous training program for doctors and health professionals (CME), we operated most of all in the medical and pharmaceutical training.


In the next two decades, Abaco Technology's interest in the online training technologies widened to include corporate training and student training.


This experience led us to the idea behind Seenkit: a simple, available to every user and immediate way to produce valuable contents.



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