Moodle plugins installation
Follow these simple steps to install the Seenkit Moodle plugins.
Seenkit Quick Publish installation
The Quick Publish component is composed by two Moodle plugins:
A block plugin (block_seenkit)
An activity plugin (mod_seenkit)
The first (block_seenkit) is responsible for the core functions and libraries installation. The activity plugin (mod_seenkit) installs a new type of resource that can be added in courses.
IMPORTANT: the zip file you download from this site contains both plugins. Before installing you have to extract the two zip files contained in it and install each file separately.
Step 1 - Block plugin installation
Login to Moodle with the admin account and go to Site administration -> Plugins -> Install plugins.
Upload the zip package and follow the instructions prompted by the Moodle plugin installer.
Note: make sure that the {moodle_dir}/blocks folder is writable by the webserver. In case it is not you must change the permissions using your server platform appropriate command.
Step 2 - API credentials configuration
After the block plugin installation go to Site administration -> Plugins -> Blocks -> Seenkit block and type your Senkit API key and Seenkit API secret.
To get your Seenkit API credentials, login to the Seenkit site, click on your name in the top right corner of the page and then on My account:
In My accunt page click on API credentials in the left navigation bar:
Step 3 - Activity plugin installation
Login to Moodle with the admin account and go to Site administration -> Plugins -> Install plugins.
Upload the zip package and follow the instructions prompted by the Moodle plugin installer.
Note: make sure that the {moodle_dir}/mod folder is writable by the webserver. In case it is not, you must change the permissions using your server platform appropriate command.
After the installation the new type of resource will be available to course teachers and managers clicking on Add an activity or resource:
Step 4 - Role assignment
During the plugin installation two new capabilities (block/seenkit:useseenkit, block/seenkit:myaddinstance) and a new role (Seenkit users) are created in Moodle. In order to use the Seenkit functions, users must have the above mentioned capabalities set to allow. To set the right capablity to the right users there are two ways:
Simple (and quick) method
1) Modify the Seenkit users role by setting the block/seenkit:useseenkit and block/seenkit:myaddinstance capabilities to allow. To modify the Seenkit users role, go to Site administration -> Users -> Permissions -> Define roles then click the cog icon on the right in the Seenkit users row. In the edit page scroll down to te capabilities list, type the word "seenkit" in the filter box and then click the allow chcekbox for the two above mentioned capabilities (if you see other capabilities with the word seenkit please do not modify their behaviour).
2) Assign the Seenkit users role in the System context to the users you want to enable.
To assign the role go to Site administration -> Users -> Permissions -> Assign system roles then click on the Seenkit users role and add the users. Since the Seenkit users role has the local/seenkit:useseenkit capability only, adding the role to users is safe e it does not affect the overall system security.
Advanced method
Change the default Moodle roles permissions by changing to allow the block/seenkit:useseenkit and block/seenkit:myaddinstance capabilities. Be careful when modifying the default Moodle roles, because you could change Moodle behaviours and affect the system security.
Step 5 - Adding the block to dashboard
In order to allow enabled users to access their personal area, where they can create new recordings as well as manage existing ones, you have to add the Seenkit block to the Moodle dashboard.
To add the block go to Site administration -> Appearance -> Default Dashboard page, click the Edit mode switch (Blocks editing on button in Moodle 3.11) then click the Add a block button. After adding the block, you can choose where to place it by simply dragging it.
Once the block is in the right position, switch off the Edit mode (click the Block editing off button on Moodle 3.11) then click the Reset Dashboard for all users button.
The block will be automatically hidden to users without the right permissions.

Seenkit Engage installation
The Seenkit Engage plugin allows course teachers to request students to record a presentation as assignment. Students are allowed to use the Seenkit recording function, in the context of the specific Seenkit Engage module instance, even without changing their roles or permissions.
Step 1 - Activity plugin installation
Login to Moodle with the admin account and go to Site administration -> Plugins -> Install plugins.
Upload the zip package and follow the instructions prompted by the Moodle plugin installer.
Note: make sure that the {moodle_dir}/mod folder is writable by the webserver. In case it is not, you must change the permissions using your server platform appropriate command.
After the installation the new type of resource will be available to course teachers and managers clicking on Add an activity or resource: